"As it stands, in my personal opinion, the traditional judging format, with BMX’s many disciplines is pretty flawed, it happens, but it’s not really a fair or legit system, it’s just kinda 'forced' to work and allows for much scrutiny by not only the riders, but also anyone viewing it. Lets just say for the hell of it, rider “A” does certain tricks, and then rider “B” does a whole other different set of tricks and then the two runs are somehow supposed to be subjectively judged as a side-by-side comparison, it just doesn’t make sense, but that’s how judging currently works! Mike Aitken’s 2008 winning Dew Tour dirt run would be a great example, he didn’t flip, whip or throw the bars, so how the hell did he win? (!?!?) There was a big behind-the-scenes stink, the judges got a talking-to and viewers who don’t ride (and some that do) were confused as to why he won, but those in-the-know 'knew' he won because what he did was clean, smooth and stylish, he didn’t do one trick that any of the other competitors did and it was unique to him, but somehow he’s supposed to be subjectively judged, it just doesn’t make sense and that’s why his run stood out as a target for criticism, it wasn’t a tailwhip judged against a tailwhip or a flip against a flip! Or, lets make matters worse by throwing two completely different disciplines in the same pot such as park and street and expect them to be judged on an even playing field … This “definitely” doesn’t make sense, but it happens! Unless, hypothetically, tricks had a value per trick and sliding scale for that trick depending how it was executed, and / or there were a certain amount of compulsory tricks to create a base score, then depending on how those tricks are executed, i.e: higher, farther, smoother etc, then anything they did above and beyond that is judged with a value on that specific trick also. Or, alternately, have dedicated judges per aspect of what a complete run would be considered, i.e: 'style' judge, 'course use' judge, 'tech judge', 'go big' judge etc, then add them up to create a total. There’s also 'overall impression' in some instances, but that seems a bit of a cop-out that allows for a lot of bias as no two judges are going to view things the same, but for a specific judgment call it allows for an outcome that under conventional judging circumstances would be viewed very-very differently. But I’m not sure we’d want any of this to be honest, that’s judging in a nutshell, a 'judgment call', one person's opinion against an others, its always going to be subjective, which is also what makes BMX cool.
In all honesty, I don’t think there’s necessarily a perfect formula for judging BMX… And I’m not sure, at least from my perspective that I’d want it if someone created it. We’re all going to see or appreciate things differently, and that’s what makes BMX awesome and personal to each of us, its only when competition is thrown in the mix that it opens itself up to criticism or scrutiny. The only solution would have it go the route of ice-skating or gymnastics, and there are definitely 'some' out there that are pushing for this. But, for me… Fuck it, that ain't my cup-o-tea, I’m gonna keep riding regardless, and to me, BMX is perfect with its imperfections." - John Povah