

Timeless T-Nez

9 Dec 2022

Filmed by the crew, edit by Corey Martinez

Corey Martinez is a modern BMX hero. The amount of incredible Corey-generated content over the last two decades is staggering. With the brakes back on and the bike control and creative eye as sharp as ever, today we are graced with another slice of T-Nez, brought to you by Cinema BMX.

"This edit is a collection of iPhone clips (except for two) filmed by friends while travelling cross-country from Tennessee to California with a stop in Texas. It’s called “Keepin’ On” from the song title which seemed fitting to use due to the battle it took to finish the project. It was self-edited on an iPhone using the app Video Leap. No fancy work or transitions just a bunch of clips chopped up to a song I like that felt fitting to use." - Corey Martinez

Cinema BMX is an official DIG partner.