
DailyCruise 6: The Snow Finally Melted In NYC

Billy Perry, Anthony Panza, Jamari Leacock, and Ben Silver

29 Feb 2016

Video by Billy Perry

Billy Perry continues his ever popular DailyCruise series in NYC with Anthony Panza, Jamari Leacock, and Ben Silver.  A 55 degree day in February is a gift in NYC and the crew crossed paths with Steven Mejia, Max Winn, Ralique, Twin, and Will Felder who had the same idea of enjoying the break in winter weather.

"After a few winter storms, the weather warmed up and melted the remaining snow. Anthony Panza, Jamari Leacock, Ben Silver and myself set out for a session in Long Island City and New York City on this 55 degree February day. We ended up riding a few scenic spots in LIC, riding over the Queensborough Bridge to Manhattan, hitting spots and flat bed trucks on the ride downtown, ate lunch, and then met up with a bunch of riders in the financial district. I strapped up the GoPro chest mount for the journey up to Times Square." - Billy Perry

Billy Perry is supported by DIG official partner: Volume Bikes