
Profile - Doctors without Boredom –Spoke & Word Ep. 4

Perfect Tabes, Emergency Medicine, and Dr. Luis Pinzon

13 Jun 2024

Filmed and Edited by Dan Dellorso

Episode four of Profile's "Spoke And Word" chats with lifetime Tampa rider Luis Pinzon, who also happens to be a doctor:

"While pedaling across Old West Tampa, Matt Coplon dives into Dr. Luis Pinzon’s personal history of Florida; his roots at the Skatepark of Tampa, the process of building his personal ramp (The Owl’s Nest), the mental build up to pulling his first backflip, and balancing his career as a Pediatric Emergency Doctor within a lifetime of riding bmx. The Day ends at the Owl’s Nest, sharing a session with Brian Fox and Lucas Porzio. Thanks for coming along for the ride; We hope you enjoy."