
Johnny DelBalso 35 for 35 - Profile Racing

Happy Birthday Johnny!

28 Dec 2022

Film- Cody Duff
Additional Filming- Matt Pandy, Paul Radosevich

Profile Racing's Johnny hit up Ray's Mountain Bike Park to film an edit celebrating his 35th birthday. Looked like one heck of a session. Happy Birthday Johnny!

"Pretty simple concept. Spent my 35th birthday filming 35 tricks in a single session. Some new stuff, some old stuff. The goal was to meet the quota and encapsulate how I enjoy riding my bmx bike.
This ended up being way more stressful than anticipated with the realization that a single fall could jeopardize the project(and just about did).
Can’t thank my friend Cody Duff enough for sticking out the day filming this thing. Glad we got it done."