
Morocco BMX Jam

Share a Bike - Share a Smile

9 Feb 2023

SHARE A BIKE SHARE A SMILE Morocco BMX Jam - October 2022

"It supposed to be a street jam but the police was really hard on us. They started following us around the city and stopping us from riding. They even took 15 people to the police station including European riders that came for the jam and retained them for about two hours. In the end everything was good but for a little while was stressful.

They locals said that was the biggest BMX jam in North Africa ever, so I guess that's why the police was surprised and really hard on us.

It was a challenge to organise the event but I believe it was quite successful for the first time, we'll have another edition this year in October, so hopefully many riders get hyped with the video and come to the jam." - Gabriel Goldsack

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