
Profile's Tech Tueday - Elite Disc Rear Hub

Everything you need to know

28 Apr 2024

Video by Proflie

Matt Coplon breaks down the latest Profile Tech Tuesday, and covers the Elite Disc hub details:

"Colors available: Black, Polished, Matte Black, Blue, Gold, Red, Aqua, Green and Purple.

Axle options: 3/8's Inner aluminum.

Bolt options: 3/8's volcano, 3/8's or 3/8's to 14mm button bolts in chromo or titanium, and 3/8's or 3/8's to 14mm button bolts in chromo.

Driver options: Aluminum or Titanium cog driver that would take a Profile cog 12t through 18t.

9t or 10t Chromo or titanium driver.

Shimano compatible Aluminum Driver (does not come with cog).

Available through any of our core bike shops."