Atlantis Vancouver - Land of Milk & Honey
Putting Vancouver on the map
1 Mar 2018
Filmed by the Atlantis crew, edited by Brad Hill
Having seen Atlantis held a video premiere at their shop over the past weekend I was really eager to see what the guys had cooked up and it's exceeded all expectations. Video wise, Atlantis have been putting Vancouver on the map in recent years. With an array of brilliant shredders and multiple talented filmer's each release gets better than the last (somehow). From seasoned PRO's like Jason Teet and Jordan Hango to the downright wild AM's that're coming up, they have it all. Hot Carl and Dr Hiebert had my vote for best clips but there's definitely bias there. Someone I hadn't heard of before, Riley Abramyk, has style and tricks for days, really looking forward to seeing more from him. Then to close it out Dave Butler proves he can still do it all better than people half his age. Bangin' film that you'll be sure to watch multiple times, get this viewed now!
"The 3rd full length from Vancouver BMX store Atlantis featuring:
Jason Teet, Jordan Hango, Chris Cadot, Brad Hill, Dave Scott, Taylor Elvy, Wink Grant, D-Mo, Carl Arnett, Owen Dawson, Ryan Hiebert, Riley Abramyk + more." - Atlantis Vancouver
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