X Games 2016 - First Park Practice
Pat Casey, Ryan Nyquist Scotty Cranmer, Daniel Dhers, Logan Martin, Kevin Peraza, and more
2 Jun 2016
Video by RideBMX
Pat Casey, Ryan Nyquist Scotty Cranmer, Daniel Dhers, Logan Martin, Kevin Peraza, and more get some runs in on the first day of park practice at X-Games 2016. Word is there is a bit of rain in Austin today, but hopefully it clears soon
"Not going to lie, my messed up flight yesterday mixed with the long day and how weather to make this a pretty painful 1am experience for me. I'm not bitching, but I am making excuses. Here's a quick raw-as edit from park practice today at X Games. Street should be up in the morning and then we'll have another full day of riding if the weather holds out for everyone..." - RideBMX
Justin Schual 2016
Only been riding for a year!?
All The Beef, None Of The Salad

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