NEWS: The story behind how and why Battle Of Hastings 2020 is allowed to happen...
"we feel like it’s our responsibility to go ahead."
1 Jul 2020

For more info: sourcebmx.com/boh
It's official: the Battle Of Hastings is back for 2020 and is planned to take place on the weekend of September 6th and 7th. We caught up with Source BMX's head of pretty much everything, Rich Moore, to find out more about what the event is going to look like with some enforced changes due to the ongoing situation with Covid-19 worldwide. While you're at it check out the hefty list of team captains that have just been announced too...

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BOH looks like it could be one of few events that will still go ahead in the BMX calendar this year. How did you make the decision and what steps will be implemented to make sure it can still happen?
From the moment Covid-19 became a thing and other events started to be cancelled, we knew that holding BOH was going to be a challenge. We’re lucky, and unique, in that we own the venue and park so could afford to leave it as late as possible before making a decision. With 2 months to go, we’re confident that we can hold an amazing event. We had to have discussions with all of our sponsors, who help make the event possible, and they are all 100% on board and want to see BOH happen so we feel like it’s our responsibility to go ahead. We have also had to keep an eye on Government legislation and while it’s still illegal for indoor skateparks to open in the UK, ‘elite’ sport can now take place so there’s nothing stopping BOH from happening.
What limitations does Covid-19 mean for BOH 2020? How will the event differ from previous years? The two biggest limitations are having to hold the event behind closed doors and travel restrictions for riders. Not having a crowd will definitely feel very different in the building and it’s going to be strange not having the usual noise and atmosphere; though a lot of riders will prefer not having to ride in front of a big crowd. The travel restrictions are constantly changing but it looks like it will just be European-based riders this year. There are also lots of changes from an organisational perspective around social distancing and hygiene but we’ll be on top of those and make the best of the situation.
Most of what makes the event rad is unchanged though; the riders, the team format, the laid back atmosphere, the free bars, the prize money, the livestream etc.
Do you think having riders from UK/Europe only will restrict the quality of the event any? Obviously, we’d prefer for BOH to be as global as it normally is but the World is a different place at the moment so it was either work within restrictions or not hold an event at all. Hopefully normality returns for next year but we’re stoked on the riders that are coming; and the winning team last year were all based in Europe so we’re certain the riding will be amazing as always.
Will the live stream still go ahead? Who’s commentating? Yes, the livestream will go ahead and it will actually be easier for us to step up production without hundreds of people in the building and all the complications that come with that. We haven’t 100% confirmed commentators yet but they’ll be faces you recognise from the past 4 years of BOH.
Any course changes this year? Yes, we’ve not been able to make huge structural changes to the park during lockdown but there are some interesting new additions.
Anything you want to add? Just a thanks to all of our sponsors who have stood by the event and BMX in general through this – it’s humbling to see.
Thank you Vans, Monster Energy, Vero, BSD, Cinema, Eclat, Fly, KINK BMX, GT, Odyssey, Profile, Protec & We The People!
And put September 5th and 6th in your calendars
"‘elite’ sport can now take place so there’s nothing stopping BOH from happening. "
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