"My close friends inspired me the most."
Photos by Ben Gea and Alex Valentino
Janosch Klaus is part of a new era in BMX. An era that seems to draw inspiration from both past and present. Seat posts have gone up, clothing looks like what we would wear back in the 90s, but the riding is far from regurgitated. Janosch and his cohorts seem to twist one way when you were expecting the opposite, and ching pegs off things that shouldn't be accessible, just to name a few. The adjective for Janosch's style would have to be "buttery". VANS are all too aware of Janosch's talents, so with their help we kicked off the Flying High series of videos, focussing in on their talented AM team. Sit back and enjoy the video and interview and then keep your eyes peeled for more on DIG.

You have a very particular riding style. Where do you draw inspiration from, both within BMX, and outside?
My close friends inspired me the most. Always having fun. Being with them in general growing up. Getting inspired by everything around me that I like, including BMX.
Did you have to work on your ambidextrous ability or did it just come naturally?
I think it comes naturally out of interest and just trying. Sometimes, stuff looks and feels so much nicer opposite. Also, it kind of allows you to ride so many more spots.
If you had to pick three riders to look out for in the future, who would they be?
Joram Van Dijk, Moritz Durner, and Rahman Mogushkov. Better look out already!

What is your favourite thing about being on Vans?
Having Alex Valentino as a team manager is my favourite thing. He is the best person and he makes me feel blessed all the time with fresh shoes. I actually visited his house this spring with my friends when we were on the way to Spain. We got to meet his family and ride in the area. Seeing spots we known from Marjie Jade videos that we watched as youngsters... Big love to Alex and Vans.
Favourite model to ride in?
Halfcab and Zahba Mid.
If you could include any dream feature into a set of Vans shoes, what would it be?
Any? I think Vans and 22(Cru)Collab would be the best thing to happen. Designing a shoe from scratch together with Vans. From the day you put them on, your pop is gonna be extra good and comfy, so lets make it happen haha!

What was it like growing up in Zurich? Was there much of a BMX scene?
I grew up a little outside of the city with my family, but spent most of my time in Zurich as I got older and i've been living in the city for three years now. It's small but beautiful. I wouldn't call it a big scene in general, but more like a really big group of friends that are always down to link and ride - these are my broskees. More and more kids here are getting into BMX. For the size of the city, we have many spots and a big concrete park where we spend most of our days. Also rest in peace Korny Beach - that place was iconic but got destroyed. If you know you know.
Do you think you will always live there? Where else could you imagine living?
Hmm, I don't wanna predict anything but I think i‘ll always have Switzerland as my home. There are so many places that I want to visit though, so it's the best for me anyway to have a job solution figured out that pays my rent here, but also allows me to do as much BMX related stuff that I want, instead of moving somewhere else permanently.
Where did you travel to for the filming of your 'Flying High' video? Where was your favourite?
Most of this video was filmed around Zurich and all over Switzerland. I was doing social-military work this year which is full time (military conscription is still active in Switzerland, but if you object, you can also do social-service). But in summer I got some time off. My friends and I went to Copenhagen for three weeks and I was able to get some clips there too. Shout out to my Skatepro TM Marcus and his brother for arranging the accommodation! We had a great time and I can recommend visting Copenhagen to ride - there's basically spots everywhere. Talking about the filming and editing, I PRAISE Basil and Lui, my day ones. Graphics made by Illija!

What’s up with 22Cru this year?
I‘m not saying too much, but never sleep on 22. Me and my slimes got endless passion for the things we do. Save up and see. We got some new coming.
What are your plans for 2025?
We are in Athens filming for Skatepro right now but as soon as we‘re back I'll start a new job in Zurich that I'm looking forward to. Fortunately, I have the possibility to be a part-time employee to pay my bills and still have a lot of time for BMX. In 2025 I wanna be healthy and get as many good memories as possible. I‘m really thankful for everything. Love.

"I‘m not saying too much, but never sleep on 22. Me and my slimes got endless passion for the things we do. Save up and see. We got some new coming. "- Jansoch Klaus

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