
REPO: Keeping it local at the UK 'ROLL ON' Flatland Jam

"My desire was to give something back" – Mike O'Connell

5 Mar 2025

Expert Top 3 Roll On crop

Courtesy of @rollonflatland

Pitt Street Skatepark in Portsmouth, UK was the venue for the inaugural @rollonflatland jam. The once derelict food superstore has been converted into an amazing All Wheels, All Ages, All Skills, All weather skatepark that now serves the community far and wide.

The idea of the Roll On Jam was the brain child of UK south coast legend Mike O’Connell @mikeobmx, who's still shredding in his 50’s and still rides most days. “My desire was to give something back to the sport that has given me so much since I was ten years old, and be part of the solution said Mike.l

Expert Top 3 Roll On

Expert Top 3

Pro Top 3 r OLL On

Pro Top 3

Expert (right to left)

1st Luke Glover

2nd Ellis Morgans

3rd Billy Hughes

Pro (right to left)

1st James White

2nd Jason Forde

3rd Steven Green

"A big thank you to all the sponsors who supported the event. @thethreestem @bsdforever @standardbykecompany @steelyflats1991 @entitybmxshop @cvm.bmx @greystokebmx @pittstskatepark @backto_the_lab @waddy_rideonbmx @robridgebmx throwing down the £150 cash prize for 1st place in Pro

Thanks @handsome_dave_rocker on the decks and @rangajobsy on the clock and lead judge Johann Chan @emer_johann

And finally massive thanks to my first ever riding buddy and right-hand man for this event Effraim Catlow @effraimcatlow whose career achievements span over 40 years of contest riding, judging, hosting events, multimedia activities and running freestyle academies Big E is BMX!

It was amazing to see this part of the BMX community come together once again. Thank you to everyone who made the trip, riders and spectators., everyone who helped behind the scenes. #bepartofthesolution " - Mike O’Connell


Roll On Final