"Friends Helping Friends", a motto that the Wheels In Motion Foundation was built and founded upon by BMX rider, Ray Tellez, and his family. Ray got in to the Arizona BMX freestyle scene as a teenager in the 80's, had a back yard ramp, a job as a bike mechanic and was part of the Bare Cover Trick Team. He left the scene for a few years to raise a family, but later returned to the sport when Ray and Michelle's son, Jesse, took an interest in the sport. Ray built a mini ramp on their property on the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona. At the time, skateparks were scarce in Arizona and bikes weren't allowed at most of them. Word spread quickly that the Tellez family had a BMX friendly spot to ride, and became a very popular place for the local riders. Over the years, the Tellez family opened their ramp and home to host numerous traveling teams, barbecues, jams, benefits for injured riders, Road Fools 16, and many other events. Jesse began to progress quickly through influence and with the help of other riders. During this experience, they had met so many people who turned in to life long friends and traveled to so many amazing places together throughout their involvement in BMX, as most of us riders so often do...
They took things as far as they could at a grassroots level from home. They wanted to expand their BMX advocacy efforts which led to the development of the Wheels In Motion Foundation, a 501© 3 Non-Profit Organisation. In 2009, W.I.M. introduced Arizona's first BMX freestyle after school program. Since then, they have expanded in to 7 districts statewide, and have gained approval from the Arizona Department of Education, connecting kids, schools, parents and communities to the next generation of BMX riders. W.I.M.'s Mission Statement : To promote bicycling for sport and exercise in an effort to support healthy active lifestyles. Special focus is placed on reaching disadvantaged youth in underserved communities.
In the two years that I have been involved with the program, I have had such an amazing experience seeing the next generation progress and gain interest in something I have been passionate about for so many years of my life. It has been something I feel so fortunate to be a part of, for I feel it is truly and ultimately beneficial for our youth. Everything from teaching one to ride a bicycle without training wheels for the first time to seeing a group of students learn a trick that they unanimously didn't believe they would be able to do, it's a greatly humbling and eye opening experience as to what is important, powerful and possible through positive influence and interaction with our next generation. That being said I would like to share ten reasons why the Wheels In Motion Foundation benefits our community by making a positive difference...