
Alex Raban - Volume 'The Finer Things' DVD

The Central Coast's expert grind technician at work

21 Sep 2015

Filmed and edited by Mike Mastroni Photo by Devin Feil

Alex Raban is an expert grind technician, who has put out consistently amazing footage for years, and here we have his finest work to date in the Volume DVD. One of the few who is just as adept at destroying a kinked rail as he is filming a next level flat ledge line. Press play then go smash your pegs on the closest grind-able surface.

DIG exclusive content chronicling the production of 'The Finer Things' and additional DVD sections:

Mike Mastroni - The Hardest Thing To Do - The full story behind the making of 'The Finer Things' DVD

The Finer Things - Crunch Time - Down to the wire with the Volume team

Broc Raiford - 'The Finer Things' DVD Section

Drew Hosselton - 'The Finer Things' DVD Section

Tate Roskelley - 'The Finer Things' DVD Section

Mike Mastroni - 'The Finer Things' DVD Section

Mix Section - Volume 'The Finer Things' DVD

Alex Platt - Volume 'The Finer Things' DVD

Daniel Martinez - Volume 'The Finer Things' DVD

Zach Krejmas - Volume 'The Finer Things' DVD