
"COVID SUMMER" - Mark Mulville X Profile 2020

Good times against the odds.

13 Aug 2020

Film and edit: Zach Ozment |

Profile's Mark Mulville has been a longtime DIG regular, and it's always a treat seeing new footage of him. This time around, it's on local Central Florida spots of all types, from trails to the streets. He even throws down some combos reminiscent of his incredible Anthem II section:.

"This was a challenging one to get done and I wish we were able to capture more, but Covid-19 has made a lot of things much more difficult. That being said, I am still stoked on the outcome of this little project. It was an absolute treat working with my pal, Zach Ozment over the past few months. Zach did an awesome job at putting this together and guiding me along the way. The plan was to have this done much sooner, but as I already mentioned...Covid! There is nothing mind blowing involved in this Profile edit. However, it is full of damn good times! I hope you enjoy." - Mark Mulville

In Conjunction with our Official DIG Partners:

MUSIC: "Shadowline" by Floor