
Dave Zovko - Time Flies

If Kachinsky says you're full throttle you're doing something right

11 Jul 2017

Video by Matt Greenland

I am not going to introduce this video any better than Dave Zovko's friend Brian Kachinksy already has, so see what he has to say then press play...

"Do you ever tell someone you ride BMX and they reply "Man, I love BMX! I used to ride but I work a lot and have a family so I just couldn't find time anymore"? I understand where these people are coming from. Life gets busy sometimes. You have priorities, obligations and riding your bike can fall by the wayside. That being said, I find it incredibly motivating and honorable when riders MAKE time to be on their bikes. 

Dave Zovko is one of those riders. Dave works full time at a bike shop, spends a lot of time with his family but in the small sliver of time he gets to ride his bike, he makes the most of it. He shreds hard, films clips, and truly appreciates every moment he has on his bike.

I've ridden with Dave a bunch recently and he's always full throttle. Sometimes he'll be trying a trick and will literally use every last second he has in the day to get whatever trick he's trying. More often than not he pulls what he's trying and immediately after the celebratory fist-bump he's quickly pedaling away apologetically to pick up his kid from school or headed to work. No need to apologize, Dave! We are all motivated by your love for BMX. Even if it's a brief moment, it's always time well spent. This collection of clips is a great example of what Dave's dedication can produce."
-Brian Kachinsky

Dave Zovko is supported by DIG Official Partners: PROFILE