
Gone Biking In San Diego

Morgan Long, Eben Fischer, DeMarcus Paul, Forrest Hawk and more

1 Jul 2016

Filmed and edited by Forrest Hawk

Morgan Long, Eben Fischer, DeMarcus Paul, Forrest Hawk and more met up in San Diego, and proceeded to roll around the city riding a bunch of fun looking spots.  The amount of usage this crew got out of a single rock wedge was awesome.

"The Cement Face crew drove up to San Diego, Ca on a Sunday to meet up with the homie @mattridesabike (follow him on Instagram because he f*cking shreds) and @demarcuspaul and did some biking around the Downtown area. Follow us on Instagram @fhawk90 @yomorganlong @ebenfischer @cementfaceart @nvrhome @mattridesabike @demarcuspaul"