
Matt Coplon: CITW edit

Ever made a riding video to go along with your 206 page book? Nope, didn't think so...

8 Oct 2014

Video by TBR

Matt Coplon is non-stop and is always being creative in one way or another, whether it's having a blast on his bike, or making a book compiled of almost 45 short non-fiction stories of, as Matt describes, "false possession, electricity poaching, of run-ins with satanists, urban myth, of travels through Europe within the 90's punk scene, stories of the incredibly mundane, stories of absolute absurdity, of life and death in Tampa." Needless to say, Matt doesn't do things by halves, and he even got together this rad video in-between everything else. Respect! 

Find out more about Matt's book, 'Collapsing Into The Whatever' here.