
Upto G Journals - Lukas and Nate Halahan - Part Three - Profile

Auckland roasting

10 Mar 2025

Video by Profile.

Upto G Journals Part Three and Four: Profile's Nate and Lukas Halahan continue their trip around New Zealand.

"Three: We hung around Auckland for a bit. Had a few rain days and the ground was prime for digging; the dirt there is full cream. It was pretty rad to get on a mission at a spot on the other side of the planet. We rebuilt a big set and cashed in as soon as weather cleared. Thanks Alan. Trails rule. 

Four: Just runnin' amuck around the North Island. Roll up the tarps, patcha few holes, dry the pits, soak em' all down, and get that nice broom layer. We had a banger of a session at PMP. All the dudes, all the stoke. Just look at those grooves."