Above Below - Berlin Photo Gallery
Documenting ten days in the Grey City...
27 Jan 2015
of 29
Words and photos by Fred Murray
Berlin isn't like anywhere else in Germany. When you put somewhere like Bavaria (Southern Germany) beside it's capital counterpart, it doesn't even seem like they should both be from the same country. Apart from having more Brits than a summer's day in Magaluf, Berlin seems to attract people from all walks of life and continents. Artists, free-thinkers, lazy hipsters, sofa-surfers, beard farmers, musicians… and the Above Below dudes. When I think back to our time there I struggle to actually pinpoint a handful of memories as so much happened in our short stay - maybe that had something to do with three crates of free beer for the apartment and one of the most outgoing humans you could ever meet (thanks Slawo)! Apart from a weird Air B'N'B setup which consisted of the crazy witch lady owner actually living in the house with us and not taking kindly to ten or so sketchy looking BMXers staying there, even though she had previously had her palm crossed with silver, the trip was way fun and productivity was high as ever. Enjoy the photos...
Unless you've been sleeping under a rock for the past few months you would have seen Above Below by now, but if not make sure you get over to iTunes and pick up a copy. You'll be helping out the ‘Road 2 Recovery’ charity at the same time too!
If you missed them, you can look through the other Above Below galleries here: Tokyo / NYC / LA / Nashville
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