Santa's got a fat sack of clips
25 Dec 2024
Video by Bottle Kids
Gather the kids, light the fire and get cosy for the Bottle Kids 'Christmas Special'. Xmas never looked more wholesome!
"The “Bottle Kids Christmas Special” was a two day production directed by Mike Brown and Mikey Andrew, produced by Ison Bigosian, and edited collectively. Starring Sauce as Santa and showing what a Christmas morning with us would honestly look like. The biking sections are heavily stacked with all of our main crew and some OG homies from up north, filmed by the squad and edited by Chris Kerrigan and Mikey Andrew. Mostly filmed over a nine day span in the east coast, sleeping in Mike Brown's family basement, waking up early every morning to crawl up stairs to the coffee pot and get everyone going to hit the road and discover what Connecticut has to offer. While saving the favored clips for our full length we were able to splice this together just in time for the holidays. Hope you all enjoy. Merry Christmas!" - Bottle Kids
Cold Cuts - Nathan Williams - THIRTY
BTS of one epic section

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