Doomed Promo
Doomsday has arrived
18 May 2018
Video Doomed Brand
It's Doomsday 18/5/18. This is the first promo from British brand Doomed and features Jordan Godwin, Regan Riley, Felix Prangenberg, Dan Coller, Jordan O'Kane and a fuck load of familiar faces including Dan Kruk, Dillon lloyd, Max Gaertig and more. This is raw street filmed on a Canon XM2 and shot in London, Leeds, Cardiff, Germany, Nor Cal, Long Beach, Rochester, the list goes on. Good works boys. The doomsday drop is now live and you can shop at doomedbrand.com
Mark Mulville - Banned 5
Killer mix of street and trails
Rodrigo Rezavela - Division Brand
A DIY a 4 pegger would die for and Rodrigo takes full advantage of it
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