FBM Warehouse/Machine Shop Session
Garrett Guilliams, Curtis Cantwell, Shane Leeper, John Lee, Kenny Horton, and John Corts
18 Apr 2018
Video by FBM
Garrett Guilliams, Curtis Cantwell, Shane Leeper, John Lee, Kenny Horton, and John Corts getting a session in at the FBM warehouse in Ithaca, NY.
FBM updated their flickr account with a ton of fresh photos
And here are a few upcoming events from the FBM guys:
Cinco de Mayo at the Lost Bowl- Saturday May 5th-
Cinco De Bert-os- after party in Bert and Neil's backyard ramp party zone
FBM Best Trick at the Gnarrboro Jam - Carrboro NC, Sunday May 27th
FBM DIY Jam at the Slab in Maryland Saturday June 9th
ALYK - Yazan Odeh 'Fed Up With The Bullshit' DVD Section
Another dose of no frills real deal street
Sullyvan Guaincêtre - Welcome to GT
French frying in the streets...

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