Joris Coulomb - Maya
Filmed during two years of travels in Germany, France, Switzerland, and the US
7 Mar 2018
Filmed by Ryan Chadwick / Edited by Joris Coulomb
This one has a really nice personal feel to it. I think a big part of what made that possible is that Joris himself edited it, and it was also filmed over the course of two years of travels alongside Shadow/Subrosa guys who he's bound to be close to after years with the brand.
"This Maya edit is all clips from many different trips, filmed over the past two years. We went to Germany, France, Switzerland and couple states in the US... Chadwick did an amazing job behind the camera on all these trips and without him and the rest of boys in the crew none of this would have happened. Thank you guys so much, everyone at The Shadow Conspiracy and Ronnie B for being the man behind everything ! I really appreciate the fact that I got to edit this. It’s a special one that comes from the heart. Hope you’ll like it too. Go out, ride you bike with some friends, love, Hare Krishna!" - Joris Coulomb
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