Vienna, Austria
22 Jun 2023
Style lord Martin Šiman spent three days out in Vienna, Austria and brewed up this piece for TBB-Bike. Here's the full story:
"Here is my last project of 2022, which I created with Pepa Horáček in nearby Vienna, where we went right after the bbq jam at TBB. We spent 3 days there and I think we collected enough footage. Ondra Konrád, Mišo Kovačovič, Šimon Velický and others joined us. That means there will be one more video with the whole lot, where Meny (Šimon Velický) took care of the camera and editing. Stay tuned.
I thought for a long time how to record the whole video and I thought of something like "one battery", so I told Pep and him that he will let it go through his head and let you know. After a while he came up with the idea that it could be called "ESPRESSO", because the espresso is tiny and fast. I really liked it from the beginning, so when you ask why you are here answer. Make a coffee, sit down and soak up the vibe from the streets of Vienna with us. Enjoy!" - Martin Šiman
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