Orange Juice X Vans Amsterdam Street Jam Official Video
Over 200 riders takeover Amsterdam
1 Jun 2015
Filmed and edited by Tom Lammerse
Orange Juice and Vans took over the streets of Amsterdam with over 200 riders in tow, inspiring one wild move after another throughout the afternoon. Rarely will you see a street jam nearly this good!
"Every single year the amount of riders at the Orange Juice Street Jam is getting bigger. We started with 115 riders in 2012 but this year 208 riders joined the Street session in Amsterdam! The weather was perfect, the vibes were great, the tricks even better and the police didn’t bother us at all. Big shout out to all the riders who came out to The Dam and a big thanks goes out to our partners Vans and Soulcycle BMX shop. Make sure to check out the first official photo gallery on DIGBMX after you watched the official Jam video." - Orange Juice
Be sure to check out our Orange Juice X Vans Amsterdam Street Jam photo gallery by Ben McPherson for plenty of stunning images from the day.
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