TMPRD presents The 2016 Filthy Drains Jam
Burn It To The Ground
13 Jan 2017
Filmed and edited by Mike Vockenson
The Tempered crew and the Fairfield locals know how to do it! They got busy and built a ghetto setup, hosted a few bands, got seriously loose on the wild obstacles and then, of course, burnt it to the ground. This harks back to FBM ghetto jam days and we love it. Doesn't get much better, and looser than this.
"For the 5th installment, the TMPRD crew, as well as the local Fairfield boys, put in a bunch of work to ready the drain for another day of BMX at it's rawest. With the help of local dudes 'The Vessel's' on tunes, the hordes who showed up and the kindness of the weather gods, the day was a stoke fest for young and old. Thanks to everyone who showed up to support BMX the way it should be, dirty, loose and fun as hell. Thanks to Jerry Vandervalk for masterminding the whole project." - TMPRD
Official DIG Partners - temperedgoods.com
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