Photo Journal: Eclat Motorhomies
Don't know where we are going, but we know where we are sleeping.
Photography By Paul Robinson
Everyone said to me you should do a campervan trip. Go on they said, it’s proper travelling, not just jumping from hotel to hotel. I like a plan though, so I found it difficult to let go and be a bit of a hippy. I remember thinking to myself – the bed is in the car. The bed…is..in…the…car. I'll be fine if I just think that. I was as well, I was absolutely fine.
In fact a week driving a camper van round southern Spain was in fact a very good idea. So I thought I would give you my pro's and cons of the camper van life, because it's not all laughs on the open road.

Stuart Chisholm, Jordan O'Kane, Jordan Godwin & Harry Mills-Wakley
Four great things about traveling inside a moving house.
1. Urinating while travelling. Although possibly illegal – most certainly a game changer (I didn't get to experience this but I heard it was good).
2. Waking up in your motor house but realising the window view is different from the day before.
3. Having a fridge to return to where your beer is cold.
4. Letting all your shit and piss out while leaving the supermarket car park. Sorry.
Four things that are not so great.
1. Driving a house is like driving a house. Not great going up a mountain for example.
2. We forgot to change the piss tank and it smelt like those troughs at festivals.
3. Getting a shower inside a cubical the size of a drainpipe. No room to swing around or talc up.
4. Being the driver I never once appreciated sitting at the table drinking a beer and watching the scenery.

Harry Mills-Wakley over pegs to hard 180. I figured the over pegs was perfect on its own.

One of the stand out moments of the trip. When Jordan arrived at this spot, he realised it was not as big as he previously remembered, this got him super pumped and we had to calm him down while Cal set the shot up.

"He needs Ritalin or weed or something, just to bring him back down to earth on an evening"
- Paul Robinson (TM) on Jordan O'Kane

This rail got a good hammering. Jordan Godwin over smith.

360 Flair backflip turn around barrel roll loop de fucking loop...all of those things. Jordan O'Kane in Sevilla.
Post clip excitement level 10.
Post clip excitement level 11. Maximum increased.

"I don't have to do it again do I?"
- Jordan Godwin

Harry Mills casually 180's a tall access ramp.

Stuart Chisholm bars into the stairs.
First attempt was essentially a rail hop. Second was clean as you like.
Wolverine mixed with Marv from home alone.

"Oh mate, we're getting lit tonight bruv"
- Jordan O'Kane

Harry in the alley
"Mum...Mum, can you come get me, I'm so hungover...me and Stu gonna fly the aeroplane"- Jordan O'Kane hungover and making no sense.

Godwin hit this at some speed, watch the edit to get the full experience.
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