
HaroZona in Photos

Dennis Enarson, Chad Kerley, Matthias Dandois and Alex Leibrock

3 Aug 2020

Photos by Kevin Connors

"After Covid hit I think it was safe to say everyone had some sort of itch. For the Haro crew it was the next trip. With a big international adventure far from happening, and then getting shut down on the hopes of hitting Alaska for some adventures, most options were off the table. Luckily with AZ showing a low amount of cases and Flagstaff only being a six hour drive away we were back on the road. A nice easy no expectations four days into the mountains. Luckily with a crew like Chad, Alex, Matthias and Dennis no matter where we went it was sure to be productive in some fashion. Needless to say with four short days Flagstaff did nothing but provide the spots we needed, while Dennis focused on the fun. This being my first Haro trip in 15 years, I went in completely blind with no expectations other than to have fun with friends, and at the end of the trip it was more clear than ever Haro trips are a blast and the team, although scattered around the globe, are truly a tight nit family, one I am proud to be a part of. In true photographer fashion and luckily we all know these names well, there are no captions - so just let the pictures do the talking."

- Kevin Connors