

42 and still killin' it

24 May 2024

Video by Kelvin Waterman and Anthony Pearson.

Four minutes of OG Will Jackson shredding the BMX Barn:

"Brakeless, tech ramp riding, 9 feet off the ground at 42 is no easy feat, but Will tackles it with the skill and ease of someone half his age. Over the years, Will has been a huge inspiration to many of us in the UK scene. I remember flipping through Ride magazine and being blown away by a sequence of him doing an over smith grind down a handrail – it seemed impossible at the time. Spending a day with Will was incredibly inspiring, not just for the tricks he can do, but for what lies beneath them tricks. It's clear that Will still makes time to go ride his bike on a regular basis, and that takes physical and mental strength. I hope you enjoy this one. For the older riders out there, I hope Will's skill inspires you to keep shredding." -Ant