12 Mar 2020
Video by Chris Furmage
That roof to pool drop was insane!
"The idea behind the title, LEVEL 3 DREAMIN’, was that the first clip I got for this project was when I was 30, and that no matter what age we are, we all have dreams and aspirations that we’ve either had since childhood, or new dreams throughout life we would love to come true, that we’re dreamin’ about. This project has been over two years in the making, and have been dealing with low-back issues on and off throughout the process, which has been keeping me from riding a lot more than I would like. You would think I would have stacks of clips for being over 2 years, but between back issues, small injuries, just not getting clips for the project, leaving out a few, filming stuff for IG that I could of used for this video, etc., is why there’s not many clips. Was super motivated to try and put out the best video part that I could, but constantly getting bummed out due to my back, and not being able to ride the last few months because of it. So instead of putting this pressure on myself to put out a full length video part, and since I’ve been sitting on the ender for over 2 years now, decided to just put the video together and release it. BMX Freestyle is my passion and have been riding for over 25 years, and going to do everything I can to get my back/spine good and healthy, so I can continue to do what I love." - Chris Furmage
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