Clint Reynolds Welcome To Relic
A quick trails line from Mr. Credence himself
11 Jul 2016
Video by Relic BMX
Quick trails line from Clint Reynolds announcing that he's joined the Relic team. Here's what Relic's owner Ashley Charles had to say about Clint's addition...
"Personally, I feel that the team riders that make up your brand are at the core of what gives your brand structure and identity. The riders should represent what the brand is about and the products should reflect those riders styles. Our team is small and that is for this exact reason, we are growing slowly and although we started out with a strong sense of what we stand for, Relic's identity also needs time for itself to flourish. After moving to Austin over a year ago, getting to know Clint and riding with him regularly, it was a no brainer that the master of DIY's riding and personality fit what Relic is about and vice versa. Welcome to the team mate!"
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