DIG Hallowed Ground Ep.4 - RINCON, California
With Ty Morrow, Nathan Williams and Matt Closson
14 Aug 2020
Filmed and edited by Peter Adam | Photos by Kevin Conners
Tucked away in the hills of Escondido, California with coyotes as neighbours, sits Rincon High School and it's legendary rail/drop setup. First seen on video in GT's 1997 Dead Sailor video with a a Dave Young clip (quickly followed by Dave again in 'Nowhere Fast' a couple of years later), Rincon is a spot that instils fear into its visitors and excitement into everyone watching on. Previous Rincon combatants Nathan Williams, Ty Morrow and Matt Closson sit down with us and discuss the history, details and future for the fabled spot. Who's next?
"COVID SUMMER" - Mark Mulville X Profile 2020
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F-Log 51

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