Wethepeople Thrillseeker Line
Out Now!
21 Dec 2022
Video by Wethepeople
Looking for a complete bike that's made to fit you precisely? Look no further than the Wethepeople Thrillseeker bike line. See more info via our Productivity feature.
"Originally designed back in 2000, the Thrillseeker was a revolutionary concept for that time which really put Wethepeople on the map. Based on the notion of a bike which “fitted” the rider better than what was currently available - the Thrillseeker was one of the first bikes to steer away from the overbuilt aesthetics of the 90’s early 2000’s and instead strive towards a streamlined and more refined bike for transition and ramp riding. That 20 year old concept of a bike with the “perfect fit” transfers seamlessly into the all new revamped Thrillseeker line.
Designed around the concept of creating a collection of bikes for the first time and at an unbeatable price, sized up perfectly to suit any rider. One bike, x4 sizes, available in S-XL, the Thrillseeker allows shops, parents and riders to choose a bike perfectly sized to the rider, making those first days in BMX as fun as possible. Carefully spec’d to ensure a lightweight, well-priced and easily upgradable bike, the “Thrillseeker” has returned." - Wethepeople
Last but not least
Santiago Laverde, Rory McLean, Francina Fernandez, Zeno Lehmann, Jo Gass , Thibaut Srinarong and Janosch Klaus

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