DEAN'S DIRTY 30: A Benefit for The Burnside Skatepark
A proper way to celebrate moving up to Level 3...
21 Jan 2016
Filmed by Pat Burke, edited by Dean Dickinson.
This is badass- a few weeks ago, Team Shralp hosted Dean Dickinson's birthday pre-party pool session at Phil Tedder's private indoor concrete bowl (which looks amazing), which was a benefit for the OG of DIY spots, Burnside Skatepark. The benefit/ art show collectively raised over $2,800 for the Burnside Skatepark, which will help bring lights and a new feature to the north side of the park. Awesome to see legends like Ron Wilkerson and Brian Blyther shredding.
Tristan Sweet - 3Ride BMX
Short but sweet
Travis Hughes - Am Spotlight
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