"It’s amazing how you can find new spots behind corners you’ve already passed 100 times." - Kilian Roth

Vans MASH - Filming During a Global Pandemic Part 2

23 Apr 2021

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VANS are Official DIG Partners | Video by Rich Forne

Even though all their team projects had to be cancelled due to Covid, VANS still wanted to find a way to keep their riders active (and filming) as soon as they were allowed to go out safely again.

With very limited travel options, they all kept it local (either within their region or wherever was allowed) and rather than always using their regular filmers, they asked their homies to press on that red button. Rich Forne then took the footage and created two heavy mixtape MASH videos; one focused on Street and one on Transition.

We caught up with a bunch of the riders featured in the street edit (Kilian Roth, Bruno Hoffmann, Courage Adams, Anthony Perrin, Simone Barraco & Alex Donnachie) to find out more about MASH and how the riders dealt with filming during the pandemic.

Check out the video and interviews for MASH 'Transition' HERE.

Bruno Hoffmann

Bruno Mash Street 2

How has the last year affected you?

Not being able to travel definitely sucked but to be fair the lockdown in Germany wasn’t anywhere close to as bad as it seemed like in Spain or Italy. While riding street you still had to look out for cops since gatherings with more than two household were (and still) are not allowed. So at first it seemed sketchy going to ride with more than a handful of friends, but as the whole situation kept taking longer and longer it felt more relaxed.

For the Vans Mash video, did you hit local spots that you know well or did you manage to get out and discover parts of your local area that you weren’t so familiar with?

For me it was kinda a mix, since I was filming a VX project back home in Frankfurt I wanted to film in other cities for Mash. It all started kinda naturally when I went to visit my friend Adi in South Germany with my brother and we ended up doing a few day trips over the border to Basel, Switzerland (crossing the border was no issue). After that Kilian, Merlin and me went to Berlin for a couple days. Traveling around Germany was easy.

Are local spots boring for you after riding them so much or were you able to look at them with fresh eyes?

In a way, yes but at the same time its motivating to go out discover a bit further than usual.

How was it filming with friends/locals rather than your usual filmer?

It was pretty easy, mostly because I've filmed loads with Merlin (Czarnulla) before.

Was it liberating to not have the usual pressure of filming on a relatively short trip ?

Not really,. I almost prefer it to have that pressure of going somewhere and having to come back with something. So those few day trips were perfect for that.

What are the three things you look forward to most once all restrictions have been lifted?

Just hopefully being able to going back to travel wherever I want.

How have you kept busy and healthy during the pandemic?

Just trying not to think about the pandemic too much since there’s nothing I can do about it anyways. Other than that I started riding road bike a bit, its been pretty fun and a good way to discover more suburban areas around Frankfurt.

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Kilian Roth

Kilian Mash Street

How has the last year affected you?

I think everyone probably imagined the year differently. As in many other countries, the situation in Germany was and still is a constant up and down with relaxations between lockdowns. Fortunately, I didn’t get sick. Since I don’t have a full-time job anymore and it was always possible to do sports outside, I was able to ride more than usual.

For the Vans Mash video, did you hit local spots that you know well or did you manage to get out and discover parts of your local area that you weren’t so familiar with?

At the beginning of the project you couldn’t really tell what will and will not be possible. And I still had a few things on the list, so I concentrated on filming as much as possible in my local area. When the situation relaxed a little bit, it was possible to take a short trip with Bruno through Germany to film for this project.

Are local spots boring for you after riding them so much or were you able to look at them with fresh eyes?

If you haven’t been to a spot for a long time, you definitely see some things with fresh eyes. And through the whole Covid thing I was a lot on the road looking for new stuff. It’s amazing how you can find new spots behind corners you’ve already passed 100 times.

Was it liberating to not have the usual pressure of filming on a relatively short trip ?

Definitely, that made the whole thing pretty enjoyable. There are enough spots you can only go to on a Sunday. This made it possible to accommodate such things well, and also to have the opportunity to go to the same spot twice.

What are the things you look forward to most once all restrictions have been lifted?

Seeing everyone in person again, crossing borders without any restrictions and all kind of events.

How have you kept busy and healthy during the pandemic?

Since it was quite possible to travel at least in Germany, I went on a few smaller trips. I was studying in between that and all types of outdoor activities like cycling or running kept me healthy.

Courage Adams

Courage Mash Street

How has the last year affected you?

Last year was a bit rough as there were no events and a lot of projects were canceled. But at the end it was something really positive because I learned a lot from the experience. In Spain we did about three months of quarantine at home. The first week was easy but then it got really heavy. I didn’t ride at all because my house is really small, but I took advantage of the time to do some exercise.

For the Vans Mash video, did you hit local spots that you know well or did you manage to get out and discover parts of your local area that you weren’t so familiar with?

I did both. I took advantage of locals spots and also I went out to find new ones.

Are local spots boring for you after riding them so much or were you able to look at them with fresh eyes?

I looked at them with new eyes because there weren’t many options...

Are any of your clips from anywhere beyond your local area? How was that possible?

Some clips are from another city. I asked my sponsors for a receipt document to travel and with that I was able to travel without problems.

Was it liberating to not have the usual pressure of filming on a relatively short trip ?

Yes that was something I was really greatful for because I had more time to think about new spots, tricks and lines...

What are the three things you look forward to most once all restrictions have been lifted?

Projects, trips and events.

How have you kept busy and healthy during the pandemic?

I did a lot of exercise, I watched a lot of documentaries and movies, and I read some books about personal motivation. I was really busy haha...

Have the past 12 months brought any positives for you?

Of course yes. I feel mentally and physically stronger than ever.

Alex Donnachie

Alex Mash Street

How has the last year affected you?

We have been in lockdown pretty much the whole time here in Scotland and the weather has been extra bad, so riding outside has been very limited.

Did you have to film with friends/locals rather than your usual filmer?

Thankfully my usual filmer lives round the corner so this wasn’t a problem for me.

What are you looking forward to most once all restrictions have been lifted?

Some warm weather, and the beach. I've forgot what wearing shorts and t-shirt is like.

How have you kept busy and healthy during the pandemic?

I’ve taken up walking haha, that’s how bad things have gotten... and I’ve been obsessed with nutrition/working out the past few years, so I spent a lot of time learning more about that.

Have the past 12 months brought any positives for you?

It was nice to get a break from the stress of traveling so much, and getting some time to let injuries heal.

Simone Barraco

Simone Mash Street

For the Vans Mash video, did you hit local spots that you know well or did you manage to get out and discover parts of your local area that you weren’t so familiar with?

As I am filming for few different projects I didn’t have a plan. The idea was to travel but since it’s almost impossible we just tried to get stuff around BCN. New spots, old spots, and then I’d see for which video I’d use the clips for.

Are local spots boring for you after riding them so much or were you able to look at them with fresh eyes?

Some of them are defenitly hella boring after all these years, and so many people have filmed on them, but some are still fun to figure new ways to ride ‘em.

How was it filming with friends/locals rather than your usual filmer?

Fun. I’ve been going out with Anto (Anthony Perrin), both filming each other for this Vans thing and 2 other personal edits.. again, with no plans, just enjoying the streets and the freedom we still have of been able to ride our bikes around.

Was it liberating to not have the usual pressure of filming on a relatively short trip ?

It’s good but much slower, plus if it’s in our hometown...

What are you looking forward to most once all restrictions have been lifted?

Definitely goin’ on a trip somewhere I’ve never rode. It’s been a while.

How have you kept busy and healthy during the pandemic?

Doin’ my things outside biking, and the biking with Anto and the homies... keepin’ it simple.

Anthony Perrin

Anto Mash Street

How has the last year affected you?

I haven’t got ill but yeah it definitely affected the daily things. Here in Barcelona it has been pretty strict... over 2 months of straight quarantine and then slowly into schedule table for sports etc. Honestly it started to be long at the end but I’ve been trying to stay in good spirits, be positive, and just wait to be riding again haha. Now it has been a little easier but we never know.

For the Vans Mash Up video, did you hit local spots that you know well or did you manage to get out and discover parts of your local area that you weren’t so familiar with?

Hmmmm, both I’d say. At some point trough the year we were able to go outside of Barcelona and yeah I guess it made us want to go look for stuff even more... just being out pedalling around and looking for spots.

Are local spots boring for you after riding them so much or were you able to look at them with fresh eyes?

That time without riding definitely made me look at some spots differently but also made me appreciate even more any little spot or session I could get.

How was it filming with friends/locals rather than your usual filmer?

It’s been really fun! Luckily I’ve recently got myself a camera, so it was already in my mind to try and go out to get some clips whenever it’s possible. Then as soon as we could, me and Simo (Simone Barraco) had been trying to go out and get some!

Was it liberating to not have the usual pressure of filming on a relatively short trip ?

It was definitely different. I enjoy both but yeah, it’s more relaxing to know you don’t have to have something by the end of the week.

What are the three things you look forward to most once all restrictions have been lifted?

Being able to travel again, and see more of the family and friends

How have you kept busy and healthy during the pandemic?

I’ve been trying to eat good food more constantly, occupy my mind as much as possible, and stay positive.

Has the past 12 months brought any positives for you?

I’m sure it brought positives as a good reminder to be grateful - enjoy the moments - and the little things.

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