Setups: Jason Phelan
A Holy Setup
12 Jan 2017

Photos by Fred Murray

Frame: GT BK Globetrotter Frame 21’’ (painted the same as my team bikes)
Forks: WeThePeople Patron
Bars: GT Fullerton Bar
Grips: GT super soft grips
Stem: GT Vantage
Seat/post: GT Shamrock pivotal seat with post
Cranks: Eclat Aeon Cranks
Pedals: Eclat Slash
Sprocket: Profile 27 tooth
Wheels: Front - Eclat Pulse hub on a trippen rim / Back - Eclat Cortex freecoaster on a Bondi V2 rim.
Pegs: 4 X Eclat Venom 4.5 plastic pegs
Guards: Front - two Eclat Blind / Back - Cortex guard and BSD drive-side guard
Tires: Eclat Predator 2.3
Chain: Eclat
Are you riding all the same parts that were submerged at the bottom of the Holy Loch for the night?
Not everything I did get a new frame. Is anyone looking for a two week old BK underwater version haha? I'm sure it's fine to be honest but I’m spoilt so why not have a new frame. I am still running the bars, stem, forks and cranks and front wheel from the depths of the Holy Loch haha.
You’ve done water - what’s next for you? Outer space?
Hopefully something from a height - lets just wait and see. The stunts I want to do are not the cheapest to pull off so its all about trying to get a sponsor to back one of my ideas. Something from a hight would be awesome perhaps a floating object. Again I have to thank DeWalt,Extreme and GT BIKES for helping me with LochDown.

For you what does bike maintenance consist of?
When I build a fresh setup I will chop the bars and forks a touch and build the wheels. From then onwards its just keeping everthing running smooth and wheels TRU. I will give the bike a wipe down and change sticker from time to time also just to keep it looking clean and colourful.
We’ve seen you swallow coins and other metal objects. Have you ever considered swallowing a bike part and which one would it be?
I just swallowed my handle bars.
Are you a patcher or new tube kinda guy?
Youtube all the way.

What would be your dream (and unrealistic) feature you could add to any bike part? Heated seat for example.
I think my Bike is my dream feature already. I would love for the SHAMROCK on the seat to start glowing green when your special bar is up or when you have just landed something scary.

Despite the fact Jason slide out on the landing, this backflip to rollercoaster across the water between boats was so insane to watch. Blind takeoff flip to grind... no thanks! Jason is a proper stunt man.

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