19 Nov 2014

Mutiny In Brighton - Then and Now

With Jeff Wescott, Matt Roe, Grant Castelluzzo, Robbo, Sean O'Connell, Gaz Sanders and Kyle Davenport...


Words and Photos by Fred Murray / 2008 Photos by Ricky Adam

Change... one of those life experiences that can be both terrifying and exciting all at the same time. It's something we all need to go through and if you never do there's probably something going a bit wrong! If I look back six years ago, my life was pretty different. I was a awkward, budding photographer and rider with tight trousers and a lot of dyed black hair, brought up worshipping DIG's visual insight into all areas of my obsession. From Ricky Adam's stark black and white documentation of riding and the punk scene in the north of England, to Rob Dolecki's perfectly lit medium format treasures. It made me want to get out there and experience it all for myself, and that's what I did my hardest to achieve. I remember when the Brighton Ain't Ready video first dropped, I had probably been contributing to DIG for a year or so, but even the thought of shooting with some of those guys was a distant hope. Fast forward to today and it's all changed - now i'm actually a full-time member of the family that sparked my intrigue into humans and fired my addiction for travel. I'm getting to go on projects like the second incarnation of B.A.R, and witness the change in a company like Mutiny since the original video came out. Mutiny's head honcho, Gaz Sanders had only just moved to Austin, TX and their wasn't an oil slick part in sight, and when you look at the team list there are still some of the classic names in there, just now surrounded by some other talented young dudes. This time round it was me who headed back to Brighton for DIG with the Mutiny guys so i decided to find out how things have changed for the company and everyone involved since that first visit in 2008...


Matt Roe, Nicki Croft, and the boss man, Gaz Sanders in Brighton back in 2008.

GAZ SANDERS - "Smaller bars, smaller sprockets, tighter clothing, nuff timber"

How have things changed with Mutiny since you were last in Brighton six years ago?

Six years! Damn time flies when you are having fun. Let's see. I think the biggest change for Mutiny is Joe Simon being no longer involved. I don't think Joe or I have ever really made that public knowledge as not much changed when he stepped down. No bitter break up, Joe was just more interested in pursing his filming career then trials and tribulations of running a BMX company. Don't worry though Joe Simon fans, he's working on a Randy Taylor film for Mutiny which will be released in April next year to launch the Loosefer frame reissue. We're hoping to raise a good amount of money for Suicide awareness with this project!

How about your daily routine?

I think at the time of the last Brighton Ain't Ready I'd not long made the move to Austin, TX. Six years on and still very happy to live in this amazing city! Days start a lot earlier that's for sure. Back then I was new to the whole self employed thing and living in America. These days it's all a bit more balanced. A few of us normally ride before work in the morning. Which has been a great addition to my day. Thanks to Scotty Mescal for the motivation!

How was BMX fashion back then compared to now? Any admissions?

Smaller bars, smaller sprockets, tighter clothing, nuff timber and and no oil slick parts in sight. I think we've all upped our fashion game since then, haha, but if there is one stand out it's got to be Robbo with the tucked in shirt steeze.

Where are some of the guys from the first video nowadays? 

I'm extremely happy that most of the dudes involved then are still part of the current team.

Ryan Smith is currently down in Peru. He still rides and kills it. Just all the D.L these days.

Nikki Croft is living up in Scotland. A lot has changed for Nikki since then, but he's still shredding and all done with a huge smile on his face. He's been threatening to come and see me for the last few years! Hopefully our paths collide sooner, rather than later...

What was your favourite album to listen to six years ago?

Then Panda Bear's 2nd album; Person Pitch. I'd never heard anything like it. It sent me on a whole new musical exploration! Right now King Krule's debut album; 6 Feet Beneath the Moon. It's so smooth, yet raw at the same time...

Which website occupied the most of your time back then?

I'd say our website back then. These days there is a million and one ways to stay up to date with what we are up to but as far as most used, Da gram!

Matt Roe motowhip FM

Mat Roe. Whip it real good.

MATT ROE - "My life has definitely changed big time since back then."

How did you feel about going back to a small seaside town that has already been rinsed by a multitude of riders six years ago? Did it still have anything to offer?

Ah it was so much fun, love that town! You get such a good vibe from the place, all the locals are rad and there so much shit to ride there. Some real big man tings too. Yeah feel like i got a good amount of stuff there, also all the other Mutiny boys did too.

How has your daily routine changed since the first visit here?

My life has change to being on the road for the past couple of years so I have no routine anymore. I feel like every trip helps you grow as a rider and a person. My life has definitely changed big time since back then.

What about some of the fashion back then?

It was just on the change, with street riding becoming really popular. There were lots of tight clothes, big bulky shoes and way more brakes. I still have no brakes but feel like my riding has changed a lot and keeps on changing. Back then I cared way too much about what others thought and found not to enjoy riding. Now I don’t give a fuck and love riding more than ever.

Matt Roe brighton FM
Matt Roe nacnac FM

If you've never seen Matt Roe ride a bowl in person, it's one of those things you need to do before you die. This doesn't make any sense...

Would you say Brighton is chock-a-block with interesting, forward thinking people? Or, full of pretentious assholes?

Brighton is sick! People there don’t seem to give a shit. They are definitely forward thinking and outgoing. Brighton reminds me of Austin a little bit. Wacky and wild!

What music were you into on that first trip?

I was really into Clap Your Hands Say Yeah around that time. The song Skin Of My Yellow Teeth was my favourite song. It was on the road trip DVD that we did years ago and I smashed the album. Just recently got back on them and been listening to all the other albums.

Matt Roe Turndown FM

In between playing a game with nails and hammers and some sore knuckles, Matt proceeded to kill the VTL trails.

Now, i use my back wheel loads more, go higher, get high, have more fun and care less about what people think.

- Matt Roe

How about media?

Myspace i think, just because thats all there was. I've alway been rubbish at social media, e-mails etc haha.

How has your riding progressed since the first video? Do you care?

I definitely did more tricks back then and wasn’t as scared. I worried about what everyone thought, but now i feel more unique and powerful. Use my back wheel loads more, go higher, get high, have more fun and care less about what people think. As long as I’m smiling at the end of a session don’t care.

Matt Roe corner jam

Classic Roey - backwheel jam in an awkward spot.

Matt Roe Kickout FM

You can never see too much Matt Roe trails action. Kickout on the big hip.

SEAN O'CONNELL - "Six years ago I was living at home in Barnsley, chewin' coal 'n' suppin' Broth."

Sean OConnell portrait FM

What were you doing six years ago?

Six years ago I was living at home in Barnsley, chewin' coal 'n' suppin' Broth. I was at school, used to go field on a friday night and been riding about six months. Now I live in Leeds and work at a music venue with my mates, it's all spot on at minute. We ride when we fancy it and have our own life's. I recently moved house and have hot water and heating. Living the high life.

Describe the BMX fashion back then, compared to now?

I remember less people looked like cunts.

Brighton - chockablock with interesting, forward thinking people? Or, full of pretentious assholes? 

I saw two Bobbies questioning a smackhead who'd just been shooting up and they asked if i was his mate, very flattering. All the lads we hung out with were sound though - was a good laugh.

Sean OConnell tuck FM

Sean O'Connell - bank tuck between the hoards of sun burnt tourists sporting '4 Lions' football tops.

Do you remember anything about Mutiny's first visit in 2008?

Roey rode a sign like it was a spine which blew mind a bit.

What was your favourite album six years ago and now?

I used to rinse Dizzee Rascal - Boy in da corner and Sex Pistols - Never mind the bollocks

Now I reckon it's Warsaw

What was your most used social media then and now?

Think I had myspace then, now its all instagram innit, I'd rather look at random shit than read about it anyway.

Compare your riding in 2008 to your riding today. What was your favourite trick then and now. Has it progressed? Do you care?

Pretty similar i think, no pegs blah blah . I knew a lot less about the BMX industry then which was good, in a way. 

Window chills brighton FM

JEFF WESTCOTT - "I still shop at the thrift store..."

How have things changed for you six years on?

Six years ago, I was at NIU working toward my bachelors degree. I was living in DeKalb, IL and living up college to the fullest. Now I live with my best friends on the north west side of Phoenix, Obviously things are way different than they were 6 years ago. But the more you age, the more different you look at everything. I'm just happy that besides school, life really hasn't changed all that much since then.

How about the BMX fashion?

I didn't really care about fashion what so ever. I guess it remains the same to this day to a degree. However, I have a little more appreciation for appearance now that I am a bit older. I still shop at the thrift store...

How does Brighton compare with where you live back home?

Brighton is a lot different than Phoenix. I would say Brighton is a very intimate city, compared to PHX which is so vast and spread apart. You can totally pedal to any spot in Brighton with ease, where it takes you an hour to drive to the other side of Phoenix.

Jeff wescott darbucks coughiee fm
Jeff Wescott threader ice FM

Jeff Wesqueech has only been on the Mutiny team for a short time but has already made a big impression. Threader ice through the bike and tree.

Do you remember anything about Mutiny's first visit here in 2008?

Just Matt Roe shutting everything in Brighton down.

What was your favourite album back then?

My favorite album 6 years ago, and probably will be forever, is East 99 / Eternal by Bone Thugs-n- Harmony. That was my first CD I had ever owned, a hand me down from my cousin Bri. 6 years ago, I was on a heavy BTNH binge, and would consistently bump that album, and every other album they have ever made. Now a days, I like a bit more variety. I dig a bunch of different types and genres of music, and like to change it up depending on the mood I happen to be in.

What was your most used social media then and now?

Facebook. It's crazy to think that it's been around for as long as it has been already... But now I would say Facebook and Instagram are the two I use the most.

How does your riding in 2008 compare to today.

In '08, I definitely had a brake on my bike and consistently rode skateparks. My favorite thing to do was probably some sort of brake techery. I still rode street a bunch back then, but I definitely ride way more street now. Arizona offers so many amazing spots within the greater PHX area, that street is all I really want to ride. Don't get me wrong, I still grab a chill sesh at a park every now and then, but I would prefer to ride something fresh.

Jeff Wescott 180 fakie halfcab FM

Jeff Wescott - 180 fakie to halfcab over the chain.


  • nikki-croft-bmx-hop-mutiny-br-2008-ra
  • matt-roe-bmx-fence-mutiny-br-2008-ra
  • nikki-croft-bmx-ledge-mutiny-br-2008-ra
  • nikki-croft-bmx-fufanu-mutiny-br-2008-ra
  • matt-roe-bmx-gap-mutiny-br-2008-ra

of 5

GRANT CASTELLUZZO - "Clothes in general were also significantly tighter."

What were you doing six years ago? How have things changed?

Six years ago I was in school full time and a year away from graduating from college for the first time. I was definitely riding all the time back then in between classes and all of that but I don't believe I was even being hooked up by anyone back then, let alone being on a pro team. Things have changed for sure. I have since graduated from graduate school and have obtained my masters degree as well as my bachelors. Despite finishing school I am working a part time job that is super flexible, which is awesome because they are super understanding about me traveling all the time. I am still living in the same city(Milwaukee, WI) for better or for worse.

How was 'BMX fashion' back then compared to now?

Bikes back then were light as possible, often times at the expense of strength. Clothes in general were also significantly tighter. I think some people might have still been holding on to the girl jeans trend. Today bikes are definitely designed to fit the level of riding that people are actually doing and people are wearing clothes that fit their body which is always a good thing. My own set up has changed quite a bit. In 2008 I think I still had only 2 pegs and they were definitely metal. Today its 4 plastic all the way. I had just taken off my breaks at the time and now I can't imagine even having them in the first place. My shirts have definitely gone up at least a size but not because I gained any weight.

How does Brighton compare with where you live back home?

Its hard for me to say because the time I was there had perfect weather. I can imagine Brighton in the winter being just about as miserable as where I live back home. The scenery was incredible. Always being able to head down to the pier to take in the tourists and the view is amazing. I live only a few blocks from one of the largest lakes in the US but its a totally different vibe. A lot less going on than if you were to be down by the pier. Brighton spot wise is not that unlike where I live. There are some dialled spots but for the most part you have to really use your head to try to find something unique to do. Luckily for myself it was something that I was used to and was ready for.

Grant Castelluzzo portrait FM
Grant Castaluzzo pegs hard 180 FM

Pegs hard 180 over from the man with more technical bike part inventions than you can shake a stick at.

Do you remember much about Mutiny's first visit? 

This was before I was a part of the brand so I don't know much about it at all but I can say that a highlight from the video was Roey jumping the sign at the boardwalk like a damn spine. It made no sense back then and it still made no sense when I saw the signs in person. Roey is a madman!

How have your music tastes changed? 

This is too difficult. I can't remember what albums I listened to last year let alone 6 years ago. Probably something that I would be embarrassed by. Today it changes by the day but what I have been listening to a bunch recently is a new EP by a band called "Knuckle Puck" just some pop-punk that keeps me in a good mood.

What about social media then and now? 

2008- Myspace because that was what everyone was using. 2014- Instagram because it has the least amount of bullshit. Its simple and to the point.

What was your favourite trick to do back then? 

In 2008 I feel like I hadn't really discovered my style yet. I was learning a ton of new stuff which is something that I wish I could say about my riding now ha. But honestly I am way more stoked on the stuff I am into now. It is a lot more focused and I can see the progression in what I am doing instead of just learning a bunch of new tricks simply for the sake of learning them. I would say my favorite trick back then would be barspins of any kind. I had really just started doing them a bunch. Today I would say maybe grinds of any kind to hard spin. They just feel so damn good!

KYLE DAVENPORT - "My Myspace game was strong back in the day, now it's all about the gram."

Kyle Davenport eyes portra FM

What were you up to six years ago?

Six years ago I was just getting into BMX and If I wasn’t at school then i was probably at the skatepark. Ive lived in Austin,TX my whole life which has helped me in BMX a lot from have great spots and people to ride with. So pretty much I’ve been doing the same thing i was six years ago, riding bikes and having fun!

What about your fashion sense?

Back then I was pretty young so I just kinda wore what everyone else wore and had my bike set up like everyone else. It was all about tight pants and big bars haha.

Do you remember anything about Mutiny's coming here back then?

Brighton Ain't Ready came out the year i started riding BMX so it was one of the first DVDs I saw. I remember watching it and being blown away.

What music were you into back then?

In 2008 my favortie album was probably 808s and Heartbreaks from Kanye West. In my opinion Kanye is one of the best artist of all time. Any album he puts out is probably going to be my favorite at the time.

How about social media?

My Myspace game was strong back in the day, now it's all about the gram.

Compare your riding in 2008 to your riding today...

I was probably really stoked if i could landed a 180 back in 2008 haha. My favorite has always been a tabletop, I couldn’t do them in 2008 but they’re all i like to do now.

Kyle Davenport roofgap bars FM

Despite the woman shouting out of one of the apartment windows and the knowledge that the police were on route didn't seem to bother Kyle Davenport. Gap to roof to barspin decent.

ROBBO - "Riders thinking they're ASAP Rock or Mick Jagger..."

How have things changed for you six years on?

Six years ago...Ii would say a lot of stuff has happened, but I'm still doing the same shit. I've moved about, but i'm back at my parent's house, same as six years ago haha. I actually work these days , and not just spending the time in the woods. I'm finding it hard to even think what I've done in the last six years. When you have trails the time just seems to blur together. Anyway i don't live in the past.

How has your own style and set up changed? How has BMX changed?

My bike is pretty much the same but my jeans aren't as tight as they were back then haha. But for BMX changing I have no comment. Actually I think it's way too fucking serious and kinda lame... too many companies, a lot of brown nosing,and riders thinking they're ASAP Rock or Mick Jagger... but anyway you're riding a kids bike so don't take the fun outta' it ladooo...

Brighton - chockablock with interesting, forward thinking people? Or, full of pretentious assholes?

Brighton's fun.

Robbo portrait FM

Do you remember anything about Mutiny's first visit in 2008?

Roey riding signs as spine's...

What was your favourite album six years? 

Ziggy stardust... and it's still my favourite... because its a bloody good album.

Any social media on the go back then?

Myspace i guess. Haha. What else was there? Instagram now, because people don't know your shit. It's less creepy

Ho would you compare your riding in 2008 to your riding today. 

My riding in 2008 is still the same as it is today so really I don't care. i general just like riding and riding anythingIi don't think i really focus on tricks. I don't even call them tricks. Like a kick-out or a table isn't a trick in my eyes its a style.


Seeing Robbo in the woods is something else. You can just tell he's in his element. Huge tuck before cracking one more Stella.

My riding in 2008 is still the same as it is today so really i don't care...

- Robbo


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" gotta pay your dues."


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