You are in Austin right now, right?
Yep. At first I thought it would be saturated with riders, but it’s not that bad. I thought everywhere you’d go, you would see riders, but it’s not like that. The groups are pretty segregated. I think next month (November) will be the best month to be here. It’s still been getting up to like 90ºF/32ºC+
Sweaty buttcrack.
Not mine! (laughter) I usually don’t end up going out until 4 PM or 5 PM.
Where were you before Austin?
I was in Maryland visiting family and before that I was in… let me see… I was in Hungary and Romania.
Were you in Europe most of this year?
Europe, Asia, North Africa… I’d say the majority of the time was in Europe.
Are you planning on staying in the States for a bit?
In a perfect world, in the next month, I’d like to put out two videos before I leave and make a few videos while I’m traveling around. I’m close to Mexico right now… I was thinking about going down there for a few days or whatever. I am going to go to Cali.
Travel tips?
Be patient. Money can’t buy you patience. Travel light and be respectful of peoples cultures.
How you wanna act?
How I wanna act… why don’t you tell me how you wanna act?! (laughter)