That's interesting, are you planning on changing your Instagram approach to be more attractive to the general public, and why aren't more people already stoked on SABSAS?
I'm always thinking of things that could potentially be helpful, after all I want this project to be a success because this is really meaningful for many riders in developing countries and it's changing people's lives, bit it gets to a point where you cannot change much. We basically collect BMX parts and donate them to those in need of them, wether you like it or not. I believe there are lots of people stoked on it, every time people talk to me in person, I can see they're stoked, the problem is that we haven't turned that into followers/supporters yet. for that I've some thoughts:
To start, no one has ever done anything like this in BMX. I'm 100% sure there were and there are people collecting parts & giving them away, but no one has done anything of this magnitude. We have sent BMX packages 22 times to 19 countries in less than 2 years and a half and we keep going. This is clearly ground braking & people doesn't know how to take it. Most people shares on Instagram what they think it's cool, but psychologically speaking that idea is depends on what the people they consider cool think about it.
For instance, do you remember when Mike Aitken started using skinny jeans and all of a sudden everyone in BMX did so? This is the same. If the cool dudes started following and sharing, that would start a domino benefiting our NGO.
The next problem is the need of more empathy and it's hard to be emphatic if you can't see yourself in a similar situation. That's why fundraisers to help a rider that needs surgery are highly successful & we are struggling every time.
You can see yourself crashing and in need of help, bit you can't see yourself as an African kid for instance, because you were already born elsewhere. It's hard to imagine living anything like it.
On top of that, we live in a highly competitive & individualistic society, everything is about being the best, focusing on you, your projects, etc. Focusing in helping others isn't common and confuses people. I do SABSAS for free, people doesn't get why, running this means lots of hours of free labour, who does that? I've been constantly asked with the question: what do you get out of SABSAS? Often people don't believe that I don't get anything out of it, at least nothing material. I have a huge satisfaction on doing this and I feel true happiness when I see the smiles of the riders we help. All this is already enough to make people doubt about the project and if you combine that with the next factor, it's quite understandable why we don't have more support. We barely get any time on the BMX media, regardless of how much we are doing we are still not there. So why would people trust something that's already confusing if not even the media shares what they do? I get it, BMX has a really small industry, there's not much money and most of the BMX media also struggle to see any benefit, so they need to keep the air time to promote the brands and shops paying them. However, I still think that sharing 2 stories a week wouldn't mean much for all those platforms and could potentially mean a lot for the NGO which translates into supporting riders in Africa, Asia or South America.
So those are my thoughts on this, I'm still quite positive though. We only need to change one of those things and we could potentially see a big change.