"I realised it was high time to start giving back" Why Steve Crandall is Sharing the Rad
The Birth of RADshare
22 Oct 2019

Images courtesy of radshare.org
They've loosely been spreading the word via social media, but this weekend Steve Crandall and friends will be debuting an awesome new project called RADshare at the final round of the FBM X DIG DIY Worlds at Powers Bike Shop in Richmond, VA.
RADshare is a non-profit foundation to help under resourced kids not only get safe and practical bikes, and helmets, but to expose them to BMX, and the 'arts of fun'. So far they've done ramp building, screen printing workshops, started teaching youngsters how to work on their bikes, and given out some free gear to kids through donations and fundraising.
We caught up with the Cranman to find out more...

What inspired you to start this?
I had worked with different groups over the years doing free bike repair and giving bikes away with community centers in places where resources were scarce, like Baltimore, New Orleans and Philly, so it’s been on my mind for years. I guess after 20 something years in the bike industry I’d also realized it was high time to start giving back.
Who is behind the project?
It’s community based, but I started with my friend Nate Hanger that I ride with, the board consists of Creson Dude and Brian Wolford, with lots of local and industry support right off the bat.
As someone who has always been drawn to the purity of BMX and the fun it can bring, how do you stay as motivated as you do?
I ride as often as I can and draw influence from the people in my community who are affected by the smiles bike riding can bring. There are a lot of proactive people building fun and advocating for bike riding and shared spaces in Richmond where I live. When people are stoked, it gets me stoked. I’m lucky to live somewhere that inspires lots of creativity, and has so many motivated riders.

Is RADshare something you’d eventually like to grow into something nationwide or even worldwide?
It’s pretty fluid, and just getting rolling but we’d like to share as much fun as possible. If that extends beyond our local scene then ya...
What’s been you’re proudest moment in the process thus far in getting this thing up and running?
Proudest moment? Probably giving out our first bike to a local named Jonathan and hearing yell THANK YOU in the most genuinely stoked enthusiasm I’d ever heard and just taking off to hit the jumps at the pump track. I’m hoping that bike helps make his life as awesome as possible.
You’re launching RADshare at Powers Bike shop this weekend and the year end FBM X DIG DIY Worlds. Anything special planned for the launch?
We are making a kids obstacle course, some kids box jumps, an art table, live screen printing and fundraising. Emphasis on FUN.
We hear there's also free lasagna. How much is it?

For more info: https://radshare.org/about/ Follow: https://www.instagram.com/radshare/
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