Corey Martinez - 10 Years United
All hail T-Nez!
12 Apr 2017
Edited by Peter Adam
Some riders just have 'that thing' and Corey Martinez is one of those few people. Celebrating the end of his tenth year (since day one) as part of the United family, T-Nez has done it all - numerous epic video sections, NBD's, and trips throughout the world and all with that fun-loving attitude. Corey has been with United since day one and this video celebrates that unity. If ever there was a model for a true BMX professional, it has to be this guy. Recall and enjoy some of his finest moments. All hail T-Nez!
To help celebrate the end of their first decade our Official DIG Partners United have released this limited edition retro 2-tone colorway United REGION frame . Pick one up over on untedbikeco.com and watch out for the #10yearsunited compilation from Nathan Williams dropping here on DIG soon too.
Corey Martinez is supported by Official DIG Partners: United / Dans Comp / Cinema
Weird & Revered - Island Boys
10 days on the Hawaiian Islands
Nathan Williams Vs. Rincon
Nathan's 'Still United' DVD Ender

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