Madera - 10 Year Anniversary Mixtape Trailer
Tom Villarreal, Mike Hinkens, Dan Kruk, Erik Elstran, and more
28 Dec 2015
Video by Grant Castelluzzo
Congrats to Madera on 10 years in business! Be on the lookout for a mixtape featuring the whole team out in 2016...
"It has been 10 years since Madera was born. The fall of 2005 saw the birth of a street-focused branch of Profile Racing and here in 2015, we are proud of how far we have come. In celebration of 10 years of BMX, our team has been super busy. From dropping classic #throwback clips to offering giveaways weekly on our instagram account (@maderabmx), we are working hard to make our 10 year anniversary year as awesome as possible. Take a look at the teaser Grant Castelluzzo just put together for us and get stoked for our upcoming extended length #10yrMixtape coming out mid 2016. Thanks for all the support over the last 10 years and here's to at least 10 more!"
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