Madera St. Louis Etc. Trip
Hidden gems in the Midwest
20 Jun 2015
Filmed and edited by Grant Castelluzzo
Madera called an audible when weather wasn't looking so hot in Detroit and hightailed it to St. Louis and Springfield Missouri for their 2015 team trip. Features Erik Elstran, Josh Eilken, Mike Hinkens, Jeff Dowhen, Dylan McCauley, Dan Kruk riding hidden gems in the Midwest.
"Big rails, peg bonks, kinked rails, wallrides, polejams, barspins, bump jumps, fence gaps, and tree rides... we rode it all!
One of the most diverse sets of spots we have ever ridden, this trip took most of the Madera team from Madison, Wisconsin, to St. Louis and Springfield Missouri.
Thanks to some awesome tour guides we dodged rain and chased spots and this is the result." - Madera
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