"They say 50 is the new 40" - Neil Waddington, Ride On
Who Cares?
10 Aug 2022
Video via Ride On
Solid inspiration from the UK's Ride On supremo in what is pretty much his 35th year of riding.
"At the wrong side of 49 years old this is the last edit I’ll make before I hit the big 5-0. It represents the last 12-16 months of my riding at various spots, parks, trails and jams.
I’ll not pretend its easy these days what with re-occurring injuries, an ageing body, work and family commitments, but I hope its provides some inspiration that you can still ride and progress well into your older age.
They say 50 is the new 40 (whatever that means) so I intend to keep pushing, working hard, and (hopefully) progressing well into my 50’s and I still get the same feeling from every single grind, jump, and skid that I did when I was 14.
I've been running Ride On BMX for 7 years now. Its a group that organises comps, jams, and posts articles for riders over the age of 30 (our core audience being mostly in their 40s). We’ve got 8000 members from all over the globe ranging from 30 to 70 year old! If you want to join then hit us up on Facebook at RideOnBMX or my insta @waddy_rideonbmx.
Hope you enjoy it." - Neil Waddington, Ride On.
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