Setups: Courage Adams
A look at this Spaniard's Fly Geo
6 Jun 2016

Photos courtesy of Fly Bikes
Courage Adams is coming off of an exciting handful of weeks, from making the finals at Simple Session 16, winning street at FISE to his amazing Fly 7 Days Is All It Takes video part, it's been one highlight after another. Now let's have a look at Courage's Fly GEO setup which has helped him make it all happen.

Frame: Fly Geo 21" - Flat Raw
Bars: Fly Montaña Bars 8.75” - Gloss Black
Fork: Fly Agua
Stem: Fly Alta - Flat Black
Grips: Fly Devon
Headset: Fly Rotar
BB: Fly Rotar Mid BB
Cranks: Fly Dolmen 2 170mm
Sprocket: Fly 28t Tractor XL
Chain: Fly Tractor Chain
Pedals: Fly Ruben Graphite
Pegs: Fly Tubo
Seat: Fly Devon 2 Tripod - Brown Black Base
Seat Post: Fly Tripod
Front Tire: Fly Rubén 2.35"
Front Rim: Fly Classic - Flat Black
Front Hub: Fly Classic w/ Fly Front Hub Guard
Rear Tire: Fly Rubén 2.35"
Rear Rim: Fly Classic Hub

How long does it take you to build a complete bike from scratch?
From scratch, about half an hour.
Can you remember how hard it used to put a bike together? How grateful are you that bikes are so well built today, what issues did you used to have?
Yes, I remember perfectly haha... I always had problems with my wheels, especially with the back hub.
How do you feel your riding has evolved now that bikes are so well built? Were there any limitations to your riding because bikes used to be built so badly or geometry was so off?
I feel great because everything is so much easier now. Not really.

Do you still get the same excitement from building a new bike?
Of course yes because I feel motivated.
Do you make any personal modifications to your bike or are there any custom one off parts?
No, I don't have any personal modifications.
Is there a feature or part on your bike that has to always remain the same from each bike to the next?
Yeah the height of the bars, if it’s not in the perfect position and height I can't ride comfortably.

What's been your favorite color combination on any of your bikes so far?
My favorite color setup is Black on Black.
Do you think you'll ever cross over to using a freecoaster and could you see more ramp riders using freecoasters in the future?
I think no, because I already tried it and it’s not for me! Yeah why not, in the future I see more ramp riders with freecoasters.
What's your riding scene like right now, who do you ride with etc?
I ride with all my friends here in Pamplona Spain and we enjoy everyday

What's your daily routine when you're not traveling?
Study in the morning, in the afternoon I ride and at night chill cruising around with friends.
What are your plans for 2016, any videos planned, trips or other projects?
Yeah I have some videos planned with Fly Bikes and trips with Vans so I'm really happy with everything.
What do you get up to when you're not riding or traveling?
Time to spend with my family and take a rest, but also I like to ride at my home spots.
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