Best Rider / Best Video Part / Best Video & Crew
Originally Printed in DIG Magazine Issue #2021, Dec 2021 | BUY IT HERE
2021 was quite a year for Colombian native Julian Molina. Julian got the bump up to the GT and Vans pro teams, filmed a second X Games Real BMX part (while also being the first adaptive BMX rider in the video comp), and won Fan Favorite a second time, and spent the better part of the year traveling around the U.S. riding and filming for various projects. One of the highlights for Julian, and the Rumble In Richmond jam, was when he sent it over the 26-foot set while being towed in by a motorcycle. There are countless people who wouldn't have hit that thing with two legs. One word sums up such an awesome human- determination. Thanks for the inspiration Julian.

Photo by Colin Mackay
“He sent it over the 26-foot set while being towed in by a motorcycle. There are countless people who wouldn't have hit that thing with two legs."
- Rob Dolecki

Jordan Hango in 'TAIF' - DIG VIDEO PART OF THE YEAR 2021
This part motivates the hell out of me to get out and pedal. While other parts have done this for me in the past, this one simply just hits different. Hango has an eye for video parts like I’ve never seen before. It seems to me like he goes out and simply rides whatever looks fun to him. He turns a bike rack into a dead man spot, converts a jersey barrier into the most beautiful looking transition, and employs a shitty looking wooden pole in the grass for an absolute ender of a clip. Meanwhile, Andrew Schubert is a legend on the follow cam and in the editing booth. Andrew’s fast pace smooth as fuck filming, paired with Hango pedaling nonstop, is just an absolute treat to watch. There is something different about this section-from the music, to the spots and their usage, the homies showing support, the feeling of never being sure if the line is over, down to every last pole jam. These two gentlemen did it right.
TAIF, as a whole, is an awesome watch start to finish. I can’t say enough about how well it was filmed and edited, along with every section providing a new and unique look. These Canada boys do not mess around. They seem to all have a pedal, pedal, pedal, make noise with a metal peg, slam a beer, and do what’s fun mentality. And I am here for it. Incredible work on this DVD and this part, boys. Now, thanks to you guys, you will have to excuse me while I go pedal Mach 10 down the street and smash my pegs on some shit. - Trent Lutzke
“He turns a bike rack into a dead man spot, converts a jersey barrier into the most beautiful looking transition, and employs a shitty looking wooden pole in the grass for an absolute ender of a clip."- Trent Lutzke

AM:PM 'keep the change' - DIG Video and Crew of The Year 2021
It’s been a banner year for independent full-length video releases (and the return of video premieres). AM:PM “Keep The Change” might have tipped the scales in our favor, though. Seven years in the making, enough footage complied to make two videos, covering multiple continents, all out-of-pocket for everyone involved, and curated by one of the most legit spot connoisseurs in existence. Joey Piazza recently posted a clip of the first full AMPM 5 DV tape; another instant classic is already in the making.

Photo by Rob Dolecki
“curated by one of the most legit spot connoisseurs in existence."
- Rob Dolecki

Meet The Crew - Vans 'Tribes' Barcelona
"A good crew with a good vibes"
Blood Sweat & Trowels: Goat Pen DIY
An integral element in the BMX bloodline.
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