THE CHURCHES OF DIRT - 2021 Mosh At Posh / Catty Halloween Jams
Basketball jerseys and moshin' on the Butcher jump...
19 Oct 2021
of 48
Photos by Rob Dolecki.
The churches of dirt, Posh and Catty held their annual fall jams in the prime October trails weather. Catty’s jam was themed around Halloween costumes and High Air comp on a new jump, McRoast, which is part of the Boomers line. Posh added a little musical flavor this year, called “Mosh At Posh”, which was centered around old band t shirts and Best Turndown, Best Table, Raddest Rider over the Butcher jump. Here’s a 48-photo glimpse into one awesome weekend.
SNAPSHOTS: Women’s Weekend in the Woods
At Catty and Posh
IN PHOTOS: Wethepeople's NAVVIES
Somehow they didn't sink it

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