BF-IT Online Release Trailer
One of the best BMX documentaries ever is coming to DIG...
25 Jun 2015
Filmed and edited by Stew Johnson
A good few years back Stew Johnson took on the task of heading up a documentary on FIT's Brian Foster, one of the most respected and all around legends of BMX. That's not blog intro fluff, BF is a respected BMX legend and awesome individual. The documentary is aptly named, BF-it and we're stoked to announce that from Monday 29th June (Brian's birthday) you'll be able to watch the full documentary, including all the extras on the DIG site! Make sure you also check the website for seven days from Monday for lots of extra BFcontent in our #DIGBFWEEK
Last Ride Promo - BMX In India Documentary
"We have no place to ride, that's why we ride the road"
Kink - One Hit Wednesday #19 Ft. Sean Sexton
Doesn't get much slicker

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