Fit In AZ - Outta Hand Trip
Brandon Begin, Austin Aughinbaugh, Troy Blair, and Morgan Long
8 Feb 2016
Filmed and edited by Tony Malouf / Photo by Chris Mortenson
Brandon Begin, Austin Aughinbaugh, Troy Blair, and Morgan Long get outta hand in Phoenix, Arizona. Great crew hitting up two desert cities chock full of spots.
"The trip was outta hand from the beginning with minimal planning and last minute changes. Brandon Begin, Austin Aughinbaugh, and myself were the only riders able to make it and Chris Mortenson jumped in last minute to shoot photos. We headed to Vegas and picked up Troy Blair from a realities house on the way. Malouf was the man behind the camera and giving us a place to stay and he made sure that good times were had from Vegas to AZ on and off the bikes. Tony and The gully factory house and affiliate Reed Stark had the Fit crew in the best of vibes and led to never ending jokes. From the partying to the jokes to the riding everything got outta hand and as I write this we are all in a group message trying to plan another trip out to AZ.” - Morgan Long
Sean Morr - Ride Pro Part
Southern Californian rail barrage
Lunch Money: Denver - Day 0
Get ready for things kicking off tomorrow

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